Danielle is now past the 37 week mark and is apparently considered full term. She had a OB visit on Monday the 18th and we've been advised to get ready for an earlier-than-40-week delivery. He feels she's very unlikely to make it to March 8th. She's been having warm-up contractions that stop her in her tracks but they haven't been regular and consistent yet. Not to mention she's dropped quite a bit and feels like she would explode like a balloon if she got stuck with a needle.
There's a full-moon this Thursday.......
14 years ago
Ah! Exciting! Evy is almost here :)
just so that you know, it's no where NEAR as scary as people like to lead you to believe. it's all worth it, and the labor process is surprisingly quick and relatively easy (compared to the stories you hear, anyway). good luck, and we look forward to seeing some baby pics soon.
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