Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Still waiting......

As of 11:35A EST, no baby. We've decided the thing about the moon is a myth. Had an Ob appt on Monday and he was impressed with how far she's progressed in a week. While he feels comfortable inducing as early as Monday, he's betting she won't make it. If Danielle keeps up her jumping jacks, squats and lunges, it may be earlier than later (you think she's ready to deliver?). We can definitely tell the baby's lined up for the downhill slide - all we can really feel now are her feet/legs/butt near Danielle's ribs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So exciting!! I was just about to call or e-mail you both today to see how things are progressing. I'm sure you're ready to just meet her already, huh? lol. Love you both and thanks again for the birthday wishes!