Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A week of firsts

As we said, she's starting some people food.  She loves her high chair (thanks Periagos!), was okay with brown rice (gagged a couple of times) and loves the peas.  Here she is eating her first official bite of people 
food (we won't count the bit of sweet potato Danielle snuck in last week).

E's also had her very first tub bath since her new found ability to sit up (but not without mommy to catch her if needed).  The faucet sort of freaked her out but she loved splashing and playing with her toys.  

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Our beautiful girl - 6 months old

We have to give credit to Dede Holman at Dede Holman Photography for the above picture.  She has a tremendous talent for capturing some beautiful expressions.  Visit her at:

E turns 6 months old tomorrow (Friday the 5th) and we're ready to start some big girl food.  Danielle was actually dancing around the kitchen singing a made-up song about solid food in her excitement while making it up.  And no, we've not turned into hippies but we (read Danielle) are making her food from scratch.  The high chair is ready and the dogs are excited.  This week's food d'jour: brown rice.  Next week: sweet peas.  We'll keep you updated.