Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3 weeks and counting....

We've finally started to get pretty used to our new routine and are trying to get some control back into our lives.  Last week was my first week back after delivery which took some real adjustment for all of us.  I think we ate out almost every night.  We're eating at home most meals now (thanks to some great friends bringing some awesome meals) and are doing things other than watch Evelyn sleep, eat and poop.  Danielle's even trying to start studying for her board exam.

As I write this tonight, Little E is loudly protesting going to bed - some serious good lungs.  All in all though, she's a pretty happy baby and we're having fun watching her become more alert. I think she's particularly cute after her 7AM feeding - really rested, calm and sweet - my kind of "Daddy-time".    

The following picture pretty accurately shows her size - she's not as big as the previous ones make her out to be - its just those cheeks.  She's definitely the prettiest baby we've ever seen!

Monday, March 10, 2008

We're home - but what day is it?

Evelyn was finally released from the hospital in Indianapolis on Friday the 7th around 5 pm. We had been warned of a snow storm hitting Louisville starting Friday night with predictions of up to 14 inches. We decided that we'd rather just go for it rather than get snowed out of Louisville for a couple of days (since 95% of the baby's stuff was there). So, I loaded up all our stuff (including the dogs) beforehand and we set out straight from the hospital. The weather predictions were correct for once and it took us nearly 5 hours to travel the 125 miles - not getting us home until around 10! In the 48 hours previous we had about 5 hours of sleep so we literally crashed when we made it. Evelyn didn't even know what was happening and slept the whole way - meaning she was up several times during the night. We've just gotten ourselves somewhat together but have a lot of adjustments to make for the lack of sleep. For all you parents, we can now relate to the euphoria you feel when you get more than an hour of consecutive sleep. We think it might be Monday now.....

A few pictures of our beautiful baby if for nothing more than bragging!

Momma's baby.

It's all very serious you know.

I'm bored, let's eat. Open wide!

See you later.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Finally no more waiting - Evelyn Martine Smith joined us at 4:08P on March 5th. She weighed 7 lbs 15 ozs and is 20.5 inches long. A few of our favorites for your enjoyment ;)

New Family

Happy Momma