In case you haven't heard, Danielle is expecting! She's 15 weeks along - we don't know if it's a boy or girl and if we find out, we may keep it a secret. Bad, aren't we? We have a 4-D ultrasound from 12w5d - I'll scan it in soon. Due date: March 8, 2008.
UPDATE 9/25/07 : We've decided to share the news - we're joining the ranks of most of our friends and adding another BABY GIRL to the group. Name has yet to be solidified but we're pretty sure we've got it figured out.
UPDATE 10/1/07: We've decided on Evelyn as the baby's first name. Danielle's grandma's first name was Evelyn, James' great grandmother's name was Evangeline - a nice tribute to two family matriarchs. We'll probably shorten it to Evey for fun. Middle name as of yet undecided but she won't have two, nor will their be a hypen ;-)
14 years ago
let us see the 8 dimensional baby traveling through time & space!
I can't wait to be an aunt...again!
EVELYN! Love the name :) How about Evelyn Lenore? lol.
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