We've finally started to get pretty used to our new routine and are trying to get some control back into our lives. Last week was my first week back after delivery which took some real adjustment for all of us. I think we ate out almost every night. We're eating at home most meals now (thanks to some great friends bringing some awesome meals) and are doing things other than watch Evelyn sleep, eat and poop. Danielle's even trying to start studying for her board exam.
As I write this tonight, Little E is loudly protesting going to bed - some serious good lungs. All in all though, she's a pretty happy baby and we're having fun watching her become more alert. I think she's particularly cute after her 7AM feeding - really rested, calm and sweet - my kind of "Daddy-time".
The following picture pretty accurately shows her size - she's not as big as the previous ones make her out to be - its just those cheeks. She's definitely the prettiest baby we've ever seen!

So tiny! I can't wait to see her again :)
She is just precious!! Congratulations!
congrats, guys! glad to see you're all doing well. the fun is just starting (i mean that in a sincere way, not as sarcastic as it sounds)!
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